Parish Google Group

If you are a member or friend of St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church, we invite you to subscribe to our parish Google Group so that you can receive timely email messages about the parish.

Click here to subscribe.

Note: If you are receiving email from the parish Google Group, you are already subscribed and don't need to complete the subscription form.

Posting Guidelines

Please note the following group guidelines:

  • Any member of the Google Group may post a message.

  • You may post:

    • Announcements of parish events

    • News related to the life or mission of the parish

    • Information about social issues and nonpartisan civil actions

    • News about community events

  • You may NOT post:

    • Personal attacks

    • Hate speech

    • Advocacy on behalf of political parties or candidates

    • Commercial advertisements

    • Chain letters

  • If you have any doubts about the suitability of a post, please contact the group owner at

  • Do not share another person’s private information, including medical information, without the consent of that person.

  • Replies to posts should be largely for clarification.

  • Debates should be taken outside the Google Group and conducted privately.

  • Be mindful of how many posts you make.

  • If you have any questions or concerns about this Google Group, contact the group owner at


To send a message to everyone who belongs to the group, address it to (You must be a member of the group to post messages.)

If you receive a group message and you want to reply to everyone who belongs to the group, select REPLY ALL in your email application.

If you receive a group message and you want to reply only to the person who sent the message, select REPLY in your email application.

To unsubscribe from the group, send a message to Make sure you send the message from the email account that is subscribed to the Google Group.