Godly Play
We invite your children to participate in our Sunday School program every Sunday (except during the summer) at 10:30 am. During the first half of the Sunday service, the kids enjoy a Sunday School lesson in an upstairs classroom while the adults listen to scripture readings and a sermon in the church. The kids rejoin the adults in church for the second half of the service.
Our Sunday School uses a method called “Godly Play.” The term puts some people off in that it seems not to take our faith seriously. “Play” used in this sense is tapping into the power of story, imagination, and wonder that is especially important for children as they discover their place in the world. In Godly Play, we tell stories from the Bible in such a way as to engage the child’s wonder and imagination. One result of this method is that children often learn the stories and make them their own, and this can happen at a very young age.
Another way of explaining this method is that it is a way of awakening the spiritual imagination—the relationship they already have with God—rather than us trying somehow to put God there. Children have an innate sense of the spiritual. They often “get” what is going on around them (including in church) even if it appears otherwise.
We are committed to every child, and that means no matter how many kids are in attendance on any given Sunday, they get the same lesson.
Click here to learn more about Godly Play. Click here to see video examples of the method.